How to Add SEO Friendly Description and Meta Keywords in Blogger?

Search engine optimization (SEO)

How to Add SEO Friendly Description and Meta Keywords in Blogger?

What are Meta Tags:

Website optimization Meta Tags for Description and Keyword is primary angles in On-Page SEO of making Your Blog more SEO Friendly. Google can Easily Find your Blog and When Search Engine Easily Catch your Description and Keyword It can Increase the Click Through Rate (CTR). These SEO Friendly Meta Tags help Search Engines Bots Like Google Bot, Yahoo Bot to Understand that what the Webpage is about. 

It is extremely Helpful in Blogger on the off chance that you Use this SEO Friendly Meta Tags Effectively in your Blogger Template. 

It is one of the On Page SEO Strategy of Blogger and Increases your Blog/Site Ranking in Popular Search Engine Like Google, Yahoo and Bing. A large number of Blogger does not utilize These SEO Meta Tags as a result of Lack of SEO and Some of I Seen they Use their Blog Description as a Post Description that Conflicts in Search Engine So Bots Can't Able to Crawl that Webpage. So Guys Use These Below Tags to Improve you On Page Blogger SEO. You Need to Use a Blog Description Only on Homepage and utilize Post Description in Blogger. I Also Face this Problem with the goal that's Why am Gonna Share Because It Definitely Improves your Alexa Rank and Search Engine Indexing. 

Why Use SEO Friendly Meta Tags? 

Some of Blogger Thought that Why we utilize These SEO Friendly Meta Tags in our Blogger Templates. So Here is You need to Know about that Blogger isn't more Optimized for SEO like WordPress So You have to Do Manual SEO to Improve your Blogger Blog. In Default Blogger Template There are no Meta Tags for Blog Description and Keyword So We have to include this Manually and Other is a considerable lot of Free Blogger Template have Meta Tags But they not Optimized with SEO. You can Also Check our SEO Meta Tags with different Sites Post. 

Ventures to include SEO Friendly Meta Tags in Blogger (Description and Keywords): 

Before Starting the Steps of this On Page SEO Optimization. You have to Add Same Code in Your Blogger Template Because in beneath Code we would already be able to Optimize SEO Meta Tags that you Only Need to Add in Your Blogger Template After <head> Tag and Save your Template. 

Go to Your Blogger Account >> Blogger Dashboard >> Template >> Edit HTML. 
SEO Friendly Meta Tags in Blogger Step 1

Press CTRL+F and Find <head> Code in your Blogger Template. 

Put the Below Optimized SEO Meta Tags For Blogger Description and Keywords After <head> tag. 
<b:if cond='data:blog.url == data:blog.homepageUrl'>
<meta content='Blog / Website Description Here' name='description'/>
<meta content='keyword, keyword, keyword' name='keywords'/>
<meta content='Author Name Here' name='Author'/>
<meta content='Author Email Address' name='Email'/>
<meta content='All' name='Robots'/>
<meta content='index, follow' name='robots'/>
<meta content='index, follow' name='GOOGLEBOT'/>
<meta content='index, follow' name='yahooBOT'/>
  • After Successfully Adding the Above Code in your Blogger Template. Simply Save Blogger Template and you see the Results inside a Week. 
  • Simply Fill every one of the Details about Author and Blog Because Above Code is a Demo of SEO Meta Tag for Blogger. 

NOTE: In Above Code We Cover all Meta Tags that Every Successful Blogger Need Like Author Name, Email Address, Bot Names and Optimized Blog Description and Keyword with Dynamic Meta Tags. Your Blog Description is Automatically Disable for Post Pages since It can Conflict in Search Engines. So You have to indicate Post Description on your Post Page Instead of Blog Description.

From the Editor's Desk: 

Along these lines, Above is a Very Important On-Page SEO Technique for Newbie Bloggers to Get Higher Ranking in Popular Search Engines Like Google, Yahoo and Bing. You just Need to Add your Information about Author and Blog in that Above Code and Add into Blogger Template and You are Done.

On the off chance that You Have any Doubt with Above Article You can Freely ask your Problem in Comment we Fix your Problem as quickly as time permits.

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